
1. 掩码


int source = 0xFF;
int mask = 0xFE;
printf("%x\n", source & mask)


int source = 0xFE;
int mask = 0x01;
printf("%x\n", source | mask);


2. 将最后一个高位置零

int result = source & (source -1);
decimal source source-1 result
3 0011 0010 0010
5 0101 0100 0100
4 0100 0011 0000


前 n 个数字二进制中 1 的个数

3. 获取最后一位高位

int result = source & (-source);
decimal source -source result
3 0011 1101 0001
5 0101 1011 0001
4 0100 1100 0100

4. 通过移位来实现乘法与除法


4.1 除法


int source = 100;
int result = source >> 2;
printf("result = %d\n", result);

输出结果为25,就相当于是100除以22=42^2 = 4

4.2 乘法

乘法与除法类似只是移动方向相反,将一个数向左移动nn个的那位则是将其乘以2n2^n, 比如

int source = 3;
int result = source << 1;
printf("reslut = %d\n", result);

输出结果为6,就相当于6乘以21=22^1 = 2

5. 异或操作的一些性质

There are 4 very important properties of XOR that we will be making use of. These are formal mathematical terms but actually the concepts are very simple.

  1. Commutative : A ⊕ B = B ⊕ A

    This is clear from the definition of XOR: it doesn’t matter which way round you order the two inputs.

  2. Associative : A ⊕ ( B ⊕ C ) = ( A ⊕ B ) ⊕ C

    This means that XOR operations can be chained together and the order doesn’t matter. If you aren’t convinced of the truth of this statement, try drawing the truth tables.

  3. Identity element : A ⊕ 0 = A

    This means that any value XOR ’d with zero is left unchanged.

  4. Self-inverse : A ⊕ A = 0

    This means that any value XOR ’d with itself gives zero.

These properties hold not only when XOR is applied to a single bit, but also when it is applied bitwise to a vector of bits (e.g. a byte).


single element in a sorted array